Friday, December 19, 2008

The riggers of storms in life!!

The over flowing of trials, is at times, so over whelming, that I loose the string that holds my strength to get me through it. The strength I get from FAMILY and FRIENDS has helped me in numerous times like a life preserver to save me from drowning in the deep depths of the water. My sister Diana is so strong but yet inside so fradjile. Is it good to hide your fraility and pretend to be strong? I admire her so, but yet at the same time I have compassion and love for her and wonder when she will crash. I want to be there if and when she will. I want to give her a medal for a job well done in life! I want to be strong too, but I feel alot, that, it is to overwhelming for me. I am strong but then when I look at me again than I see that I am weak. I get confused wondering if I am strong or that I am weak. Oh well! Life is so fradjile. The sicknessess of our body. I have taken myself so much for granted that life would never end and I would be like the Energizer bunny. I have beaten my body to the ground. Do I regret any thing?... maybe somethings but in the hard labors of helping people, which is what has brused my body the most, I do not regret it. I loved every minute of helping others. It is in my heart and part of who I am. Compassion for others. If I have missunderstood someone or hurt someones feeling, it was out of nauiveness and I am truely sorry. I appreciate all who has entered into my life for some reason or another. I thank you.

Monday, December 15, 2008


I have only a few minutes in my schedule to make some comments. I want to thank my family for choosing me in the previous life. I am greatful for my older sister Diana for her love and giving heart and compassion for others. I look up to her so much. I want to thank my younger sister Audrey for her love and giving heart. As I watered the horses today, as things were frozen, a smile comes to my face from the gift of my water hydrant and that it makes my life sooo much easier to water the horses. I thank my family individually for the things they have done or givin me which blessed me to make my life nicer and easier. I know I am a cronic pain, but I am truely greatful for everything that has come into my life.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Another day

I woke this morning to the restlessness of my four legged children, all nine of them! The dogs wanting to go out and when I was telling them just a minute then the children outside heard my voice and then commenced to hollering that they were wanting breakfast. They are like infants in cribs who wait ever so patiently for the bottle and to get out of bed. whether I want to sleep in or not, they need attention and their food and being let out. So, I started my day with them. I then cleaned and dug out the frost frozen plants from my garden and pulled all the tomatoes and zucchini from the plants whether or not they were ripe. I threw all the plants in the garbage and cleaned up the grounds. I carried all the veggies in the house and then took everything off the back porch and swept that and put things back. I then helped Bruce to build a front porch and then I mowed the front lawn and dug a new hole in a flower bed and transplanted a rose bush. By the time I watered it it was to dark to do anything else. I came in and cooked Bruce dinner for he was getting off from his second job for dinner. When he left, I went to the bathroom and cleaned the commode and floor and tub. My back is now killing me and I am frustrated that I didn't get the bathroom finished. I need to go and take a shower and then put cold packs on my back and shoulder. OH CRAP!! I forgot, I need to go out and put the horses to bed and feed them! So, I am not done. My kitchen is a mess and I have tomatoes all over my kitchen counters... I wonder if I can learn to bottle or can them that is. Most of them are green. Well, I guess I will go out and feed and then take a shower then the cold pack and tell my self that I am done for the day! I can be so busy and still look around and see that everything is still a horrible mess! Why? Well, till next time...... Another day, other chores.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Confused about all of this!!

I haven't known how to write on this Blog stuff. I finally found this page so we will see if this is it... LOL I guess this is like a Journal and write your thoughts and feelings or even more your goals. Until I know this is where I write, since I wrote once before and it ended on the comments part.. TaDA!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Testing, testing, 123...